So, this is my attempt at painting my sister, Jenny. Or, at least it is *supposed* to be my sister... I guess this just means that I still need more practice. While it is possible to identify who it is, the likeness is not quite as close as I would have liked.
There are just so many things that are wrong with this painting, that I have identified. I will need to work on improving those things in future paintings. But it is progress.
Other than the likeness not being quite right, I do like the painting as it relates to my progress in digital painting. While there are many things I dislike, there are also many things that I do like.
There are just so many things that are wrong with this painting, that I have identified. I will need to work on improving those things in future paintings. But it is progress.
Other than the likeness not being quite right, I do like the painting as it relates to my progress in digital painting. While there are many things I dislike, there are also many things that I do like.
This was simply good practice.